Confidential Assignment 2: International full movie dual audio hindi and english

In New York City, Jang Myong-jun, who is the head of a North Korean fear based oppressor association, is going to be moved to Pyongyang when the FBI authorities are gone after by North Korean criminals and Myong-jun get away. Myong-jun slips into Seoul utilizing a phony visa and furthermore took US$1 billion with the assistance of his accomplice Kim Chul-soo, a previous specialist and researcher. Realizing this, the North Korean government sends Im Cheol-ryong to Seoul again to get him and recover the cash. Cheol-ryeong reunites with Kang Jin-tae and they continue the examination to trail Myong-jun, however the team is intruded on by a FBI specialist named Jack, who wishes to take the North Korean lawbreakers back to the U.S. on charges of killing FBI authorities.

Release date: September 7, 2022 (South Korea)

Director: Lee Seok-hoon

Box office: 56.3 million USD

Distributed by: CJ Entertainment

Budget: ₩18 billion 

  • IMDb Rating: 6.6/10
  • Genres: Action | Comedy | Thriller

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