Oppenheimer full movie in hindi

During The Second Great War, Lt. Gen. Leslie Forests Jr. chooses physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer to deal with the highly classified Manhattan Venture.  Their work happens as expected on July 16, 1945, as they witness the world's most memorable atomic blast, always redirecting history.

Release date: July 21, 2023 (USA)

Director: Christopher Nolan

Music composed by: Ludwig Göransson

Budget: 100 million USD

Distributed by: Universal Pictures

Based on: American Prometheus; by Kai Bird; Martin J.

Oppenheimer is quickly transforming into one of the best movies of 2023, and because of that prevalence, the authentic biopic is broadening its IMAX 70mm run.

It wasn't clear the way that long Christopher Nolan's film would stay on those screens. The film is over three hours in length, with certain scenes working out clearly. While the nuclear bomb storyline is not really the stuff of a vibe-decent blockbuster.

Oppenheimer has made a mint at the box office, earning more than $500 million worldwide thus far, making it the highest-grossing WWII movie ever. With the Baerbenheimer phenomenon showing little sign of slowing down, Oppy will be sticking around in cinemas for a little while longer.

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